Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Devils Playground

Here some footage from Devils playground part one of eight.

In this first part we may get some ideas on how to approch the Amish way incorperate it into the performance, for more footage just visit youtube and type in Devils Playground if link does not work.

These footages from the devils playground are shocking, when i was watching the 2nd part the young Amish boy was selling crack/drugs, to keep a wage, he wants to join the Amish forgood its going to be tricky to give up, if he is using too.
Also if you check out the school thats featured in the clips, it goes with what we disscussed in the lesson..... The School is white all white..

So please get to look at the devils play ground there are eight parts to it.

Footage is even shown of the barn building.

Where does forgiveness come in, well although the Amish forgive, if an Amish 16 year old changed their minds after joing the church, the family will shun them, sort of not forgiving them for breaking a promise... its there last way to tell the childeren they love them, as all ties are severed.


1 comment:

Larissa said...

I watched the devil's playground and I found it to be very interesting the only question that kept on re-occuring for me was when they became shun I thought it only happened if they decided not to join the church but some of the kids were still in contact with their family but one of the girls that expected the church but later left she was completely shun. So i was led to believe it only happened if they joined the church but then left.