Friday, 7 November 2008

after Dogville

Hi all, after we watched Dogville today we had a bit of a chat regarding the piece. Stuff that came up was:

blackboard floor? possible to outline the set in chalk, wipe out, redraw (mopping up chalky water might give some nice milky effect)
which could in detail be picked up by someone with video camera (following, overview from top of a ladder, passing the camera on, etc)
We all liked how actors were miming props and doors and the sounds they would make were to be heard
Will we create sound on stage? (thinking "All quiet...", coconut shells...)
Shall we prerecord sound and operate on stage?
everyone is teching, everyone is acting- operating sound, video and light from the stage

For anyone who could not make it, these are ideas, nothing has been decided, please comment!!
Am I forgetting anything?

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