These Photos are the last letter wrote to his wife and his list of objects.
Below is a rough timeline that police have been able to piece together of events leading up to the attack, after interviewing Charles Roberts' wife. Details of the girls' injuries are spotty, since the families asked the hospitals not to report on their medical conditions and the hospitals agreed to respect their privacy.
Monday, Oct. 2, 2006
3 a.m. — Roberts is home from work after finishing his milk run, picking up milk between Amish farms.
7:30 a.m.- 7:45 a.m. — Roberts and his wife, Marie, are up with their children getting them ready for school.
8:45 a.m. — Roberts walks his children to the bus stop.
9 a.m. — Marie Roberts leaves the house before her husband. She heads to a prayer group at the Presbyterian Church, picking up a friend along the way. Charles Roberts was to leave for a random drug test as required by his employer for his license to drive a truck in Pennsylvania.
9:15 a.m. — Marie arrives at the Presbyterian Church.
10:30 a.m . — Marie leaves the church with her friend.
10:45 a.m. — Marie drops off her friend.
10:45 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. — Roberts' wife tries to call him from their home phone. He has taken her cell phone.
10:48 a.m. — The Lancaster County emergency communications web site shows 20 incident calls listed to the normally quiet Bart Township.
10:50 a.m. — Charles Roberts calls his wife and will not tell her where he is but says he is not coming home and that the police have arrived. He then tells his wife the location of his suicide notes. She finds some of the suicide notes and calls her mother and 911.
The Aftermath
Seven girls are airlifted and one is transported via ground ambulance to various hospitals.
Marian Fisher, 13 is deceased at the scene; however, she is transported by ground ambulance to Lancaster General Hospital, where she is officially pronounced dead. She reportedly requested that Charles Roberts shoot her and let the other ones go. Barbie, her 11-year-old sister, s aid, "And shoot me second."
Anna Mae Stoltzfus, 12 is pronounced deceased at the scene.
Naomi Rose Ebersol, 7 is carried outside by Pennsylvania State Troopers. She dies outside the school, shortly after they arrive .
Barbie Fisher, 11 is sent to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The extent of her injuries is unknown at the time.
Rachel Ann Stoltzfus, 8, sustains a shattered jaw and wounds in her shoulder and side.
Esther King, 13, sustains injuries, the extent of which are unknown.
Sarah Ann Stoltzfus, 8, is sent to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The extent of her injuries are also unknown.
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