Tuesday 25 November 2008

The Ordnung

The list of rules Amish members must follow is called the 'Ordnung':

* They may not own or operate any sort of motor vehicle

* Airplane travel is forbidden

* · Horse and buggy transportation is used

* · There is a dress code that must be followed

* · Boys and men wear hats outside of the house, suspenders and distinctive pants and shirts usually home made by a woman of the family.

* · Men grow a beard and keep their upper lip shaven once they are married

* · Girls and women must keep their head covered with bonnet or prayer cap, dress and apron rules vary from community to community

* · Reject the use of electricity from the public grid in the country

* · Amish must marry other Amish

* · The rules of Meidung or shunning must be followed

* · The Amish do not pay into or collect social security or any other kind of insurance

* · The Amish children only need to attend school through the 8th grade. Once they have completed school they boys will begin working either for their father or their father will help them line a job up to start making money for the family. The girls will begin to stay at home and help out more with laundry, dishes, house cleaning etc.

* · An Amish child may not keep his/her own money until they are married or until they turn 21. The parents limit any spending money that the children might have and all of the money they earn is to go towards the family to help out financially.


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